In the studio Theresianumgasse 5 ca. 1910. Marble fireplace and club chairs are often used in portraits. Paintings: The epochal Operation, unknown lady portrait, Lady at the Spinet in the making.

In the new studio Theresianumgasse 11 ca. 1916 (after 1919 also Adams flat). On the relay round painting Hilda Attems, on the floor two lady portraits, in the background the ironic picture "The Amateur".

Adams in his studio ca. 1916. Over his desk his portrait by Philip de László. Behind the etching of the Joachim-Quartett of his friend Ferdinand Schmutzer (1870-1928). On the wall a trophy of Adams the hunter.

1916 in the Theresianumgasse 11 studio. Adams in front of his iconic portrait Kitty Schönborn, later Baroness Rothschild, next to it the half-finished portrait of Prince Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst.

Theresianumgasse 11 before 1930. Marble fireplace (from Theresianumgasse 5) and armchair as important portrait accessories. Portraits: Princes Dietrichstein and Reuss, Emperor Karl, Countess Karoly, Dita Berg, Kaiserjäger head studies.

Adams in his studi ca. 1929. Paintings (from left): Grandmother and granddaughter Oberländer (partly visible), Prince Dietrichstein, Jenny Gruder, and Baroness Fries-Tersch.

Adams in a studio in the USA 1931, portraying Charles Adams, secretary of the US Navy.

Adams in his plein air studio around lake Wolfgang ca. 1911.
