Emperor Franz Josef I. 1916 (copy)

1916 Copy of the 1914 portrait (three-quarter portrait in a seated position) of the emperor with smaller detail (hands not shown).

JQAW# P_1916_250
Oil on canvas 79 x 63 cm.
Signature: Unmarked
Belvedere Vienna Inv.No. 3635b.

Franz Joseph I Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary. 18. 8. 1830 (Vienna-Schönbrunn) to 21. 11. 1916 (Vienna-Schönbrunn). For biography see the entry in the OeBL.

For this copy of the 1914 portrait of the emperor, Adams chose a smaller image detail without hands (probably because they were rather unsuccessful in the original), which also explains the smaller image format (ca. 80x60 cm compared to ca. 110x80 cm in the original).
